[00:00] Evan Biedenbach at goalie for Geneva. |
[00:00] Chris Burgan at goalie for Grove City. |
Foul on Geneva. |
[00:48] Shot by GRO Zach Barzanty, SAVE Evan Biedenbach. |
Foul on Grove City. |
Foul on Geneva. |
[05:51] Shot by GEN Jake McCracken, SAVE Chris Burgan. |
Foul on Grove City. |
Foul on Geneva. |
Foul on Geneva. |
[12:53] Shot by GEN David Harwood HIGH. |
Foul on Grove City. |
Foul on Geneva. |
[18:25] GEN substitution: David Gerlach for Caleb Musselman. |
[18:25] GEN substitution: Zac Buffalini for Teddy Kryswiecki. |
[19:42] Shot by GEN Jake McCracken WIDE. |
Foul on Geneva. |
Foul on Grove City. |
Foul on Geneva. |
[26:09] Shot by GRO Andrew Quinn WIDE. |
[26:19] GRO substitution: Erich Beyer for Adam Brewer. |
[26:19] GEN substitution: Jeb Nash for David Harwood. |
[28:44] GEN substitution: Garrett Masters for Gabe Kleinert. |
[28:44] GEN substitution: John Shipley for Jake McCracken. |
Foul on Geneva. |
Foul on Grove City. |
[31:49] Shot by GRO Alex Ayer, SAVE Evan Biedenbach. |
[32:47] GEN substitution: Ben Makin for Josh Mann. |
[32:47] GRO substitution: Alex Ford for Alex Ayer. |
[32:47] GRO substitution: Brian Eckenhoff for Andrew Quinn. |
Foul on Grove City. |
[34:31] GEN substitution: Jesse Herman for Kenton Burckhart. |
[34:31] GEN substitution: Jeremy Peachy for Matt Weaver. |
Foul on Grove City. |
Foul on Geneva. |
[37:31] Corner kick by GEN Zac Buffalini. |
[37:52] Shot by GEN Chris Morschl, SAVE Chris Burgan. |
[38:35] GRO substitution: Kyle Matherne for Jake Kern. |
[38:35] GEN substitution: Tyler Kiser for Zac Buffalini. |
Foul on Grove City. |
Foul on Grove City. |
[41:30] GRO substitution: Austin Bernal for Alex Ford. |
[41:30] GRO substitution: Ben Kuniholm for Erich Beyer. |
[41:30] GEN substitution: Bruce Fox for Jeb Nash. |
Foul on Grove City. |
[44:47] Yellow card on GEN Chris Morschl. |
[44:54] Shot by GRO Chuck Witt BLOCKED. |
[44:54] GOAL by GRO Kyle Matherne (FIRST GOAL). |
Grove City 1, Geneva 0 |
* |
End of period [45:00]. |
Start of 2nd period [45:00]. |
Foul on Grove City. |
[46:04] Corner kick by GEN Kenton Burckhart. |
Foul on Grove City. |
Foul on Geneva. |
[50:32] Corner kick by GRO Jake Kern. |
[51:05] Shot by GRO Jake Kern WIDE. |
Foul on Geneva. |
Foul on Grove City. |
Foul on Grove City. |
[58:00] GEN substitution: Garrett Masters for Josh Mann. |
Foul on Grove City. |
[60:56] Corner kick by GEN Jake McCracken. |
[62:06] GRO substitution: Tim Boswell for Alex Ayer. |
[62:06] GRO substitution: Ben Kuniholm for Jake Kern. |
[62:06] GEN substitution: Jeb Nash for Gabe Kleinert. |
[62:06] GEN substitution: John Shipley for Teddy Kryswiecki. |
[63:12] Shot by GRO Evan Moore WIDE. |
Foul on Geneva. |
[65:20] GEN substitution: David Gerlach for Caleb Musselman. |
[65:49] GRO substitution: Brian Eckenhoff for Andrew Quinn. |
[65:49] GRO substitution: Alex Ford for Adam Brewer. |
Foul on Grove City. |
[67:18] Header Shot by GEN John Shipley, SAVE Chris Burgan. |
[67:44] Shot by GRO Ben Kuniholm WIDE. |
[69:20] GRO substitution: Richie Kocur for Tim Boswell. |
[69:20] GEN substitution: Teddy Kryswiecki for David Harwood. |
Foul on Grove City. |
[71:12] Shot by GEN Garrett Masters, SAVE Chris Burgan. |
Foul on Grove City. |
[72:30] Corner kick by GEN Kenton Burckhart. |
[73:50] GRO substitution: Andrew Quinn for Evan Moore. |
[73:50] GRO substitution: Adam Brewer for Alex Ford. |
[73:50] GRO substitution: Jake Kern for Ben Kuniholm. |
[73:50] GEN substitution: Jeremy Peachy for Jeb Nash. |
Foul on Grove City. |
[76:03] GRO substitution: Evan Moore for Chuck Witt. |
Foul on Grove City. |
[77:19] Header Shot by GEN Matt Weaver HIGH. |
[77:59] GRO substitution: Chuck Witt for Brian Eckenhoff. |
[78:13] GEN substitution: David Harwood for Chris Morschl. |
[78:55] Corner kick by GEN Kenton Burckhart. |
Foul on Geneva. |
Foul on Grove City. |
[80:55] GRO substitution: Alex Ayer for Richie Kocur. |
[82:26] Shot by GRO Adam Brewer HIGH. |
[82:35] GEN substitution: Zac Buffalini for Jeremy Peachy. |
[83:42] Corner kick by GRO Jake Kern. |
Foul on Grove City. |
[85:18] Shot by GRO Adam Brewer, SAVE Evan Biedenbach. |
Foul on Grove City. |
[87:12] GRO substitution: Brian Eckenhoff for Adam Brewer. |
[88:29] Corner kick by GRO Alex Ayer. |
[89:53] Shot by GRO Jake Kern WIDE. |
End of period [90:00]. |