Senior Woman Administrator Council By-Laws/Regulations




The mission of the PAC SWAC is:

1.    To clarify and articulate the role of the SWA on individual campuses in the conference.


2.    To enhance the level of institutional support provided to the SWAs in support of their efforts to ensure gender equity on their respective campuses and across the conference.


3.    To provide educational opportunities to SWAs, student-athletes (female and male), athletic staff and academic staff.


4.    To offer a collective voice for SWAs on Division III intercollegiate athletics issues of significance to the PAC



I.              Name

The name of the organization will be the Presidents’ Athletic Conference Senior Woman Administrator Council (PAC SWAC)

II.            Purpose

The purposes of the PAC SWAC are as follows:

1.    To provide an additional avenue by which equity issues within the PAC are addressed.


2.    To provide an additional means by which female student-athletes and staff members may express their views and concerns at the conference level.


3.    To study and evaluate proposed NCAA legislation and to inform PAC SWA members of the nature of the implications of the proposals that are of concern.


4.    To conduct research within the conference related to equity issues both in the athletic departments and the rest of campus.


5.    To find and provide educational opportunities for fellow SWAs, student-athletes and staff on issues that affect athletics.


6.    Assist the PAC Director with possible programming.


III.           Membership

1.    Eligibility: All SWAs of the PAC (including provisional members) are members of PAC SWAC. If the Athletic Director is female and her duties include being an SWA, she may appoint another person within her department to serve as the SWA at her discretion.


2.    Conditions of membership: Members will remain in good standing as long as they occupy the position of institutional SWA. It is expected that members will attend PAC SWA meetings as regularly as possible.


3.    Continuing education: All PAC SWAs shall attend periodic educational meetings such as the NACWAA Convention, NCAA Regional Rules Seminars and/or the NCAA Convention.


IV.          Officers

1.    The Chair of PAC SWAC will be the SWA from the school which concurrently holds the chair of the PAC Presidents’ and Athletic Directors Councils. The Vice Chair of PAC SWAC will be the SWAC from the school next in alphabetic rotation to chair the PAC Presidents’ and Athletic Directors Councils.


2.    Duties of Elected Officers: The Chair will coordinate the agenda (in coordination with the PAC Executive Director) and will be in charge of running all PAC SWAC meetings. The Chair will also represent PAC SWAC at all other conference meetings, as necessary. If the chair is unable to attend a meeting, the duties of the Chair are assumed by the Vice Chair or another PAC SWAC representative selected by the Chair.


V.            Meetings

1.    The PAC SWAC will meet in person twice a year at the conference office (or any other agreed upon venue). The meeting dates will be in late November/early December prior to the Presidents’ Council Meeting. This meeting will be to discuss any business that should be addressed at the Presidents’ meeting.


The second meeting will be in May and take on an educational format. This meeting will precede the Athletic Directors’ Council meeting. Two meetings will be norm until the council feels it necessary to only have one meeting.


2.    Meetings and/or conference calls may be scheduled at other times of the year by the Chair or PAC Executive Director as needed.


VI.          Amendments to By-Laws

1.    The PAC SWAC by-laws may be changed by a two-thirds majority vote (7 of 10 members in 2009-10). Voting by proxy is acceptable.


2.    By-law changes can be proposed and voted on at the same meeting; however it is advised to have that item for discussion on the agenda prior to the meeting. The council may also vote to table the proposition until the next meeting date.